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Sales Manager (Software Outsourcing services) - (Remote Job)

Зарплата не указана

Компания: Adoriasoft LLC
Контактная информация: +38(096) 066-72-22  Отправить резюме
Город работы: Львов, Киев, Харьков, Днепропетровск, Одесса
Тип занятости: удаленная работа
Требования к кандидату
Опыт работы: от 2 лет
Уровень образования: Высшее

Описание вакансии
Sales Manager position. Remote fulltime work. hourly compensation

study of proposed projects and their filtering;
preparation of technically correct offers for customers;
sales of the company's services;
writing and making presentations for clients, informing customers about the company's services;
preparation of projects' estimates together with technical experts, adjustment of estimates received from them;
ensure effective coordination of own work with other members.

Higher education (IT / Technical);
general understanding and basic skills in modern development / testing technologies for mobile, desktop and web platforms;
Written and spoken English (upper-intermediate and higher);
analytical mind;
attention to details.

We offer:
- Working in a team of high skilled professionals
- Trainings, continious skills growth
- Competitive compensation
- Paid vacation

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Вакансии, которые, возможно вас заинтересуют

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Искать вакансии в разделах: IT - сфера, программирование, Интернет
