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Senior C++ Developer

Зарплата не указана


Компания: Consulting Alliance
Контактная информация: Отправить резюме
Город работы: Киев, Одесса
Тип занятости: полная занятость
Требования к кандидату
Опыт работы: от 5 лет
Уровень образования: Высшее

Описание вакансии
World leading Company (Software developer) is looking for Senior C++ Developer
Strong C/C++ knowledge, 5 year of professional experience – minimum.
MS Windows development experience is a must.
MS Visual Studio tool set experience is a must.
Proficiency in one area or more is required:
• Google Chrome software stack knowledge
• Open GL development
• Windows UI development (Win32, MFC, WinRT)
• IPC implementation on MS Windows
Strong knowledge of version control principles using Git
Good in English.
Company offers:The Company offers:High salary with quarterly bonuses.Regularly assessments and salary reviews .Paid vacation according to the Ukrainian laws. 100% paid sick list and compensation of medical insurance. Relocation package. Technology and business training.. Opportunities for self-improvement: electronic libraries, seminars, conferences. Compensation of the cost of IT conferences.English classes with native speaker.Convenient office . .Friendly team, loyalty and understanding . Comfortable workplaces with the most up-to-date equipment.Flexible working schedule

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