

Зарплата не указана

Компания: Innovative Solutions
Контактная информация: 380444970407  Отправить резюме
Город работы: Киев
Тип занятости: полная занятость
Требования к кандидату
Опыт работы: от 2 лет
Уровень образования: Высшее

Описание вакансии
IT company “Innovative solutions” looking for Public Relations Specialist.


Plan and direct public relations programs designed to create and maintain a favorable public image for the employer or client.
Work with advertisers for timely and useable ad submissions.
Create marketing and promotional materials, both print and electronic.
Coordinate scheduling and logistics, coordinate conference, trade shows, and press interviews.
Promote products and services through public relations initiatives.
Copy, edit, proofread, and revise communications.
Identify, develop and execute communications strategy for key media contacts and customer references.


m/f from 25 to 35 y.o.
advanced level of English
work experience from 2 years
higher education

Personal characteristics: a successful candidate should be initiative, responsible, attentive to details, and with a desire to learn more.

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Искать вакансии в разделах: Реклама, маркетинг, PR