
Контент менеджер

Зарплата не указана

Компания: Epom
Контактная информация: (096) 733 07 90  Отправить резюме
Город работы: Киев
Тип занятости: полная занятость
Требования к кандидату
Опыт работы: от 1 года
Уровень образования: Не имеет значения

Описание вакансии
You will have to:
• Act as a content subject matter expert and ensure meaningful, educational and relevant
content for site visitors/ stakeholders as well as search engines are placed in appropriate
areas of the site;
• Provide oversight and direction to ensure that new or existing content on the website meets
the primary needs of the user;
• Define success metrics for content projects, and partner with various internal and external
teams to evaluate work success;
• Develop content standards, systems and best practices;
• Review and edit content provided by external sources;
• Create analytical reports on the hot topics in the digital industry.

To succeed in this role you should fulfil the following requirements:
• Advanced level of english is a must
• A passion for all things digital and a strong understanding of the industry;
• experience in a similar role;
• Understanding of web technologies;
• Experience working with popular CMS;
• Knowledge of common web browser capabilities;
• Familiar with web analytics software;
• Understanding of search and digital marketing principles;
• Strong problem resolution skills and ability to think outside the box.

Please submit your CV written in English.

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