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Компания: Intelligence
Контактная информация: +38 (044) 220-05-62  Отправить резюме
Город работы: Киев
Тип занятости: полная занятость
Требования к кандидату
Опыт работы: от 2 лет
Уровень образования: Высшее

Описание вакансии
A dynamically growing Law Firm is currently looking for lawyers to join our Team in the following practices:



-pharmaceuticals/life sciences


- Intellectual property

We are looking for broad-minder persons, ready to express their own ideas, initiative, competitive, able to learn and share their opinions and experience.

Excellent legal English and experience in working in a law firm is a must.

In return we value our team-players, create comfortable working conditions, offer a chance to grow professionally and financially, and have a say in the firm we are all working in.

The salary is to be discussed during interview.

working hours: 09-00 till 18-00

Please send us your CV with a photo and state the expected level of your salary as well as the practice you wish to join.

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